Website of Author Christine Ramos, RN, CLC, CCM, IBCLC-Retired

Imagine for a moment that you are an infant born only moments ago.

The warmth, comfort, and safety you once bathed in are gone. Still, you discover yet another challenge.

Your body systems are disorganized; you need help to regulate them. That help comes every time you’re in close contact with your caregiver.

The warmth, heartbeat, and loving essence offer a resonance that can quite literally be life-saving.

Skin-to-skin contact
Man skin-to-skin

Welcome To The Miracles And Mysteries Of INTUITIVE NURTURING, The Evidence-Based Method Of Nurturing A Child Based On The Techniques Offered In Christine's Book, A JOURNEY INTO BEING.

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What's New and Upcoming!

Course for Practitioners

NEW Intuitive Nurturing on-demand *certificate course for practitioners. This course will teach family health practitioners the skills needed to instruct their clients on the evidence-based practices of Intuitive Nurturing for young children (0-3 years of age). *Must pass competency quiz.
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Christine's Latest Article

The Winter Edition of EcoParent Magazine featured an article Christine wrote on highly sensitive children. This article highlights the importance of understanding the energy aspects of consciousness, which is at the heart of the Intuitive Nurturing method. Pick up a copy wherever magazines are sold.